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We celebrated our 120th birthday 7. 10. 2024

This year marks the 120th anniversary of the founding of Österreichisches Chemikalienwerk Rudolf Goldschmidt & Co., i.e., Goldschmidt's Austrian Chemical Works in Nový Bohumín. Since then, our company has changed name and ownership several times, producing a wide range of products from aniline dyes in 1904 to batteries at present. The premises of Bochemie plant were occupied twice by foreign troops and bombarded once. But no matter how turbulent the times have been, our predecessors have always strived to stay on the cutting edge of their industry and open up new technological and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Our company's 120th anniversary celebration was therefore in the spirit of remembering the rich tradition of chemical production in Bohumín, which was imaginatively portrayed by the theatre group Nahodile. The ‘Zlatá kolegyně / Zlatý kolega roku’ (Golden Colleague of the Year) and Personalities of the Year were announced and three of our now former employees received special awards for their contribution to ACCU business development. The dance performance was provided by the dance ensemble PS Dance Petřvald, which we support as part of our social program entitled ‘Nejen prací živ je člověk’ (Man Shall Not Live by Work Alone), and the group The Cello Boys played virtuoso arrangements of the most famous songs of different rock bands.

A number of distinguished guests, including representatives of our business partners such as Amper Savings, Green Energy Origin and Schuelke, were invited to the celebration. Colleagues from other Bochemie Group companies were also present. They came, for example, from Zwickau in Saxony, the headquarters of our subsidiary GAZ, but also from as far away as Houston and Saudi Arabia, where we are building another battery manufacturing plant.

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